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Immigration is an issue of great controversy

Immigration is an issue of great controversy In the19th century, the fundamental of philosophy and policy was free trade. Freedom of movement was generally seen as an essential part of it. It was the best way to insure individuals that labor would be spread evenly among various geographical areas so that it was most useful for private and social prosperity. However, today the philosophy is the same but it is not any more followed by the policy that is the policy of trade and migration restrictions. Through the time as immigration rates raised every year, the life became harder for some Americans and strong opposition of free trade appeared with upcoming problems caused by immigrants, these problems are the main arguments in hands of opposition saying that the uncontrolled immigration harms the United States and individual citizens. Therefore, the US government is trying to stop immigration flow even if breaking their natural rights. These rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are clearly stated in the Declaration of Independence that is the fundamental of all laws that has to be protected by the government. Government was thrown into situation where does not yet exist solution that would satisfy both sides and both sides have their own part of the truth. On one side is the opposition of free immigration. Opponents of immigration see three main problems as the most important arguments against opening borders to immigrants. Immigration opponents argue that immigrants take jobs from Americans and lower wages, consume more in government services than they pay in taxes, harm everyone else through environmental degradation and urban overcrowding, on the other side are immigrants saying that in spite of some problems, there are advantages of free immigration and that their rights are stated in The Declaration. One of the main arguments of opposition is that immigrants take jobs from Americans and lower wages...

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