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If We Let Them

Why do we as a society and a gender feel such a need to study, in attempt to improve, the role of women in society? Why are there not "Men's Studies" courses offered at major universities? In an excerpt from Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions, "If Men Could Menstruate," the difference in respect of women and men in our country is presented from the feminist point of view. Using the menstrual cycle, something only women are blessed with, the author compares society's viewpoints on the opposing genders. By asking, what if "suddenly, magically, men could menstruate and women could not?" the article poses some questions and all-too-possible answers. What if men really did menstruate and women did not? How would what is now an undiscussed part of a woman's life change? Men now do not understand, outside of the health class explanation, the monthly process that women face for a large portion of their life. How many things are simply dismissed by men, and even other women, as being 'just part of PMS?' Cramps, mood-swings, changes in sexual desire, food cravings, physical changes are all things that women expect to deal with for a few days a month, in addition to so many other annoyances. The menstrual cycle is an amazing and essential part of the reproductive system; without it, women would not be blessed with the capability to bear children. If you didn't know this however, you would never guess it from the attitude that much of society has regarding menstruation. Clichs that refer to the monthly cycle, such as 'on the rag' and 'that time of month', have such negative connotations and are rarely used in a positive sense. The author shows that oppression of this type is not necessarily logical by using a story about a little boy asked if he wanted to become a lawyer who responds by saying, "Oh no, that's women's work," because that is what his mother does."If Men Could Menstruate" attempts to predict how things might be di...

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