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Iacocca by Lee Iacocca The book Iacocca is an autobiography of Mr. Lee Iacocca. The first couple of sections ofhis book were about family. Starting with his mother and father, coming over from Italy and hischildhood. His father always taught him something that when he was going to do something thathe had to be the best. Which is to be believed, where he got his strength in competition later inhis business career. Then after his parents came his wife and children, whom he loved. The nextfew sections were about his job and how it was changed through out the years. Even when hisjob was still with the same company his position is that company changed many times in his careerbefore he even traded companies.Mr. Iacocca had a very loving and understanding family as told in this book. His parentswere always a major part in his life even after he got married and they were a large part of his lifeup until their deaths. His father was always interested in cars and so in a way Mr. Iacocca grewup around cars and the knowledge of them. His father taught him many valuable lessons abouthow to deal with himself and others which also may have helped him in his future career in thebusiness world. When he married, his parents were proud but in a small way they were pushed tothe side to make room for his new wife, Mary. After Mary and He were married they had somechildren. These children became his pride and joy. When this family grew, they all grew togetherin turn and they also grew closer together. This family was extremely close. Even though thefamily was close, his job did seem to have a slight impact on them. When Mr. Iacocca first started working for Ford, he was a low ranking engineer, fresh outof college like many of his co-workers. He tried the engineering job for a few months until he decided that he didnt want to work in that department but he wanted to work in the salesdepartment. After this major change in his life, he too...

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