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I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

In the beginning of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Marguerite, later known as Maya begins to tell the story of her childhood. When her parentsdivorced, they sent her & her brother, Bailey to live in Stamps, Arkansaswith their Grandmother (Momma) and their Uncle Willie. The kids go toschool in Stamps and work in the store that Momma and Uncle Willie own. One year, while they were in Stamps, their father came to visit.When he was getting ready to return to California, he asked the kids if theywanted to come back with him to live. They agreed. Momma was also gladto have them off her hands even though she enjoyed having them around. While they were in the car, their father revealed that they weregoing to St. Louis to see their mother. Maya and Bailey hadn’t seen her fora very long time to they were happy about the side trip.After three days in St. Louis, their father left again. They were thereto live with their mother. Maya felt that he was a stranger anyway so itdidn’t bother her at all.Maya and Bailey’s mother had three brothers who had good jobswith the city. Their family was respected in the area they lived in andeveryone knew who they were. The children were also introduced to Mr.Freeman, their mother’s boyfriend. He didn’t interact with them much. Heoften came home late at night and they didn’t talk to him very much. One morning, after Maya’s mother had left, Mr. Freeman came intothe bedroom and molested Maya. Later in the novel, he rapes her. Whenher mother finds out, she has Maya taken to the hospital and checked out.Maya finally tells Bailey what happened to her and who did it, he tells theinformation to the authorities. Mr. Freeman is arrested and a trial isscheduled. While Maya is on the witness stand, she lies and tells the courtthat Mr. Freeman never touched her until he raped her. He is sentenced toone year and one day in prison, but he was released that afternoon.Maya and Baile...

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