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IU basketball

Having read the conspiracy theories, laments of disgust and genuine concern for the lackluster start of the 2000-2001 version of the Indiana Hoosiers, I have formed an opinion of my own. Sources placed well within the Limestone confines of the IU campus have given me tiny nuggets of information, that when woven together, form a tapestry of intrigue, mischief and downright rottenness. I preface the the following by acknowledging that what you are about to read may be considered ridiculous, far-fetched or outlandish but I assure you there are no facts to be miscronstrued. All that fills the following space is a blatant attempt to ridicule those that hang on to every word of certain Peegs' posters, those that pray for the return of the former coach and those who think longer shorts and Nike will reduce IU basketball to nothing but a pick-up game with paid parking.Sometime this fall, before you-know-what, those in the state who loyally follow the Cream & Crimson were filled with excitement. The crop of incoming freshman made mouths water and after last year's untimely exit from a certain tournament (you all know which one I am talking about) we were ready for a fresh start. But then someting happened. No, it wasn't the departure of star guard CJ Righton but instead the ridiculous and embarrasing dismissal of the Colonel. What were we to do? What was to happen? Sources (who have asked to remain nameless) told me students weren't happy. In fact a grass-roots effort to create some kind of rally outside Congregation Stadium started. News crews and the Colonel himself showed. IT WAS TRUE!! believe it or not, the students weren't happy. AMAZING! It was their frustration that surfaced. The students' emotions embodied the sentiment felt by most of the fans across the nation. They were tired of watching early exits from tournaments and tough games. The only thing they had to hang onto was the visage of our leader. The tough-as-nails, no nonsense c...

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