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In recent years, one of the major concerns of economic development is the study of poverty, the income distribution and growth in the less developed countries (LDC’s) or Third World countries. Economists from all over the world have been doing researches and studies on how to induce a growth in those underdeveloped countries. However, countries differentiate in historical backgrounds, cultural believes and natural resources. As a result, the government would implement different strategies to attain a much fairer distribution of income among the society. The relationship between the income distribution and growth in the LDC’s is a significant factor that would affect government policies. Also, the study of the strategies, promoted from the government, would show us how the government can enable economic growth with a more equal income distribution.INCOME DISTRIBUTION AND ECONOMIC GROWTHFor years, most of the more developed countries have been helping the less developed countries. Most of them believed that the only solution to the problem of poverty is to make the GDP grow. However, some other questions may arise as to who would make it grow, and should they be the few or the many. If it is the many who need to make it grow, then the GDP may be shared more equally. On the other hand, in order to make the GDP rise, we need to make decisions in production. The Production Possibility curve can show us the maximum amounts an economy can produce, but it doesn’t tell us which decision would be made. A country makes the decision on what to produce is accordance to the income distribution. The most ideal case is to have perfect income equality (Gini Coefficient equal to 0) in one society. However, studies tell us that this can never be reached. In most of the more developed countries, a Gini Coefficient (G.C.) of 0.2 to 0.35 is considered to be in relative equality. One may wonder what is the G.C. in the less developed coun...

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