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IMPEACHMENT A. MEANING B. PROCESS 1. NIXON II. ANDREW JOHNSON A. EARLY YEARS B. POLITICAL CAREER C. PRESIDENCY SUCCESSION D. POWER STRUGGLE E. IMPEACHMENT III.VIEWS A. POLITICALLY MOTIVATED? B.CORRECT? Ebbitt House, in Fourteenth Street, EFFECT OF THE VOTE ON THE ELEVENTH ARTICLE ILLUSTRATIONS 1. 2. 3. n 4. Table 4 n 5. Table 5 n Impeachment, in the United States and Great Britain proceeding by a legislature for the removal of office of a public official charged with misconduct in office. Impeachment compromises both the act of formulating the accusation and the resulting trial of charges; it is frequently but mistakenly taken to mean removal from office of an accused official. An impeachment trial may result in an acquittal or in a verdict of guilty. The U.S. Constitution, in Article 1, Section 3 , provides for the impeachment of public federal officials and gives precise directions for conducting impeachment. The House of Representatives initiates impeachment proceedings by resolution and appoints a number of its members to act as managers in prosecute the impeachment before the Senate, which serves as a court to try the official. The vice president, who presides over the Senate, also presides at impeachment trials, except in the case of an impeachment of the president. A two-thirds majority vote of the senators present at an impeachment trial is necessary to secure a conviction. The first president to be impeached was Andrew Johnson. The 17th president, Johnson became president at a critical time in American history. He succeeded Abraham Lincoln when Lincoln was assassinated in April 1865, only a few days after the Civil War ended. In addition to these trying times, Johnson also had trouble cooperating with other po...

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