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Human Understanding

In the history of human understanding, I couldn’t think of any person to study for a singular perspective of gaining knowledge through philosophy. I am glad that the class has been given two philosophers to compare and contrast their ideas. The subject of human understanding is a wide range of ideas to discuss, which can be quite complex, a feat I would never return to do. The two philosophers Rene Descartes and David Hume take the task of discussing human understanding and bring it to the terms in which people can better understand. I say this because in the common people take for granted what we learn to be the truth instead of questioning its existence to be true. The two philosophers Rene Descartes and David Hume expand on the ideas of Human understanding to bring it to a more personal light. In understand the method of mechanics with in oneself to gain concepts and ideas of what is true and what is false they explain what they have experienced and the knowledge that they have gained.Rene Descartes a French philosopher has completed in his mind, a method in which to extract facts from life and to prove them true or false by mathematics or science. Descartes was a true believer in Science and mathematics, to him these ideas were clear and so distinct that they were beyond question. These ideas are what he wanted to bring to the reason for the mind to be as clear and distinct as an addition problem two plus two plus two equals four. To answer this concept would be to understand what drives a person to obtain knowledge and what mechanics. His mind went through to consider this information to be either true or false. In justifying whether something is true the answer should be if you could question if at any reason the answer could be false. AN example of this would simply be mathematics, for mathematics are clear answers we cannot question such as 2+2=4. The addition problem has four parts and when adding two parts...

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