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How the study of sociology helps us to understand different societies

How the study of sociology helps us to understand different societies. Sociology allows us to understand how different groups of people actthe way they do, and also brings us into their cultures, heritage’s anddifferent backgrounds. This study also explains how culture play’s a role inthe way different groups act, and how it reflects on their society. Thereare many social issues that sociology explains, such as how larger social andhistorical forces effect the way the communities act and how individualsact. All of these topics stress how important sociology is today, and howmuch of a difference it makes in the understanding of different societies. In today’s society people are influenced by the way other people live,and the way people carry out their lives. Other people like to fallow otherpeoples values, morals, and how they carry out their responsibilities. All ofthese things effects the way an individual lives, and acts, for instance ifpeople go to school to get an education and get a well paying job. Manypeople are going to do the same thing just to be in the same class andsociety, and make the money to have what everyone else has. Theimportance of education in today’s world is very important in getting thatjob that pays exceptional well. In today’s society people go to school get agood job and a few years after getting established they start a family. Inthe past people sometimes graduated highschool and starting a family wasmore important then getting that well paid job. There are many benefits in having an social imagination. With theimagination people know how to live their lives, and know how to fit in to agroup. They fit into a group to feel welcomed and not like an outsider. Feeling part of a group also give a person self confidence in a lot of thethings they do. With that confidence they can accomplish almost any taskthat comes in their way. Many people in today’s societies al...

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