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How the sexes communicate

How The Sexes Communicate With One Another It has been my own personal experience that men and women communicate differently. This is especially true when put into the context of communication between the two sexes. During my lifetime I have been witness to the different ways in which men and women communicate, and I have decided that communication between the two sexes can be further broken down into types and/or reasons for communication. These types of communication are Professional, Occasional, and Social. From these forms of communication we can further expand which I will do as I come to each scenario. To understand the ways in which men and women communicate we must first understand men and women in general. As we all know there are many inherent differences between men and women, varying from physical to emotional differences. Men are the physically larger and with this comes a complex of superiority. Since men, in general are larger and stronger, they tend to feel as though they are dominant and in control. Women who tend to be smaller by contrast seem to struggle with the fact that men feel dominant. This leads to what seems to be a persistent attempt to make themselves become in control. Much like in Chaucer’s Canterbury tales when the Wife of Bath tells her tale, what women want is to “have sovereignty over their husbands as well as their lovers and to be in authority over them.” Basically women want to be respected by men. The first type of communication between men and women is communication at a professional level. This means situations that occur in the workplace or in any other situation that requires intelligent conversation. In places like offices where the social tradition has seen men be placed in levels higher than women it is no wonder that there is some sort of a barrier or communication gap between men and women. In the places I have worked, it has been the standard that men are in charge and...

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