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How Children Deal with Death

How Children Deal With Death Death is hard to deal with for everyone, but for children especially; they view death in various ways at different ages. At these ages children need help and guidance from their parents. The first step is to help them feel a part of the wholeexperience, doing this will allow them to deal with the death. The rest is counciling and (quick step number two;) the parentsmain part should be to listen while the child talks, doing thisis very helpful for understanding the child. This is also verybenneficial because it gives the child a chance to get his/herfeelings off, this relieves certain tensions. So in order tohelp children get through the grieving process age and maturitylevel of the child must be concidered, and council should becentered around the limitations of those statistics.Infants are one group, with no real understanding of deathbut they can react to the way their parent/s react/s to loss. When the physical love that a parent can provide is suddenlymissing, the child does have fears of separation. Infants arealso very tuned in to their parents feelings of stress andsadness. In relation to these feelings there might be notedphysical expressions such as: crying, crankiness, rashes andclinging. How one can handle this is to talk with others aboutones concerns with family members, or even the funeral director;he/she has a good chance of knowing what to do. Seek support andhelp from family and friends. Parent/s should try spending moretime each day with the child to ensure a secure feeling for thechild. (Wolfelt) I have learned on the Discovery channel thatchildren who are physically touched develop better and morefully, so loving them patting them and holding them often doesworlds of help. (experiment covered by the Discovery channel)For children ages two and a half to five; this is the stageat which the child is likely to confuse death as a reversibleevent like sleeping. Or the death of someon...

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