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Housing in India and China

China is by far the most populated country in the world. With billions of people China has many different way in which they are housed. From farm villages to gigantic cities the Chinese all need a place to live.Like the other countries in this paper China is mostly rural countryside where farmers grow everything from rice to wheat. With the exception of it’s mountains and hills, the overwhelming majority of Chinese settlements are rural compact villages. The formation of these villages are caused by it water source, population and in earlier years, defense. Live in these villages are very simple and have not changed for centuries. Even with populations in the thousands farm villages have no aspect of urban life at all.A normal house in a farm town is made of either sun dried brick, or packed earth. Roofs are typically thatched or made of tile. Homesteads are connected footpaths and cart tracks.Larger farm villages are known as market towns because they usually have a market in which nearby villagers can barter their crop for manufactured goods. Several villages can be linked to a market town by dirt roads. Many market towns have a larger population and more wealth than farm villages. For this reason the towns where walled for protection from bandits and barbarians. In the south the land is dominated by rice patties. Along to Yangtze river delta, villages are only two miles apart and most have their own markets. The town and villages in the south are generally larger and people travel and communicate using boats on the river.Another type of housing in China are cave dwellings found in the Loess Plateau, where timber is scarce. The advantage of these dwellings are that they are naturally insulated making them warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Urbanization in China began in 1953, as the government intensified it’s efforts to make it a industrial power. As factories and mining centers where developed, cities and ...

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