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Hound of the Baskervilles

The mystery novel The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is superstitions can cause people many psychological problems. Such as Sir Charles of theBaskervilles was afraid of everything when he heard of the Baskervilles curse. One other is whenany other Baskerville man tried to get away to another country. They would be attacked by thehound the night before they would leave. But Sir Charles made it to Canada.When Sir Charles went back to Baskerville Mansion. He would have a person go out toget the paper. He was afraid of the Baskerville curse. Everybody thought it was just a hoax sothe Baskervilles would get publicity. But Sir Charles is the only Baskerville man to avoid beingkilled by the dreaded hound of the Baskerville.When Sir Charles made it to Canada, he thought it would be a sign of relief. But itwasnt. Sherlock had found him in Canada. Sir Charles had lived in Nova Scotia with his wife andchildren. It took sometime to convince Sir Charles to come back to the Baskerville Manor. When he agreed there was only one thing to bring him back to Baskerville Manor which waswhere ever he would go somebody would go with him The hound turns out to be a mastiff. A cousin of Sir Charles has painted the dog with apaint that glows in the dark . He was trying to scare Sir Charles to death. The cousin wouldinherit the Baskerville fortune.The Hound of the Baskerville is a awesome book. It is good for people who want to startreading Sherlock Holmes stories. It is a scary and suspenseful novel. A glowing dog in the darkwould certainly scare somebody. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a fantastic writer. I want to readmore Sherlock Holmes novels, but they are too long....

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