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Homophobic Occurrence

Okay, I'll admit it, I really just wanted a reason to pop in and say hi to everyone, (not that I really need one..) but today I was talking to a friend...and she was telling me that someone emailed her telling her the pictures of a faery she had on her page was works of the devil. Mind you this same friend has been accused of lying about being raped and has been subject to having an entire web page devoted to degrading her. It's a sad situation..if you would like to know more email me and I'll send the info (anyone who emails this guy just gets the same *censored* she does, it's kind of useless, I guess, but if anyone knows a good hacker to remove the site lemme know ;) ) I guess I just wanted to see what was up in the world of all of you. Me...I got my new car finally. I love it, Sprig seems to love it (your feet fit nicely on that dash, eh love? ahh, you know I don't mind much ;) love you ;) ) I'm looking for a new job for various reasons, but am still secure in the postion I have. I have been writing a lot more lately, I suppose when I get around to it I might actually post some of it. I've been lucky enough to be part of a rather engaging email conversation lately..the topic of choice was to write about something stranger than fiction in your life. I didn't know where to start lol but came up with a topic and made a friend in the process. Point is, she emailed me yesterday asking me what I think reality is. I gave her a detailed description of what I thought it was (your own choice, for the most part.) Imagine two worlds, with a thin veil between them. Now imagine something happening, or someone showing you a way to rip through or simply peek through that veil to the other side, the "other" world. Imagine a world where all of your dreams can be real. Imagine being able to see both at the same live both at the same time. Both the "real world" that society so often conforms us to live by the rules of, and your own dream wor...

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