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Homeless Research

The American dream is hard to find. In most cases, the dream includes a home. For many Americans who financially struggling to feed themselves, having a roof over their head is nearly an impossible task. As our government has progressed in the twentieth century, aid has been given to homeless families in the form of basic housing. Low income or subsidized housing has grown immensely I the past few years. The debate is whether subsidized housing is a free home or a free ride. The subsidized housing program should be used as assistance and not a crutch. Many say that you make out of life what you put into it. Homelessness to certain individuals is brought on by the homeless individual's actions so they feel that they shouldnt receive any help from the government. Many believe that subsidized housing is positive ground for families to get into a home and stabilize their financial situation (Gramer). The worry on a lot of minds is the amount of money being handed out to the subsidized housing programs (Husock). The money could be used for other programs such as Medicare or social security (Shinn). The housing programs might be costly but can help families from living on the streets.1.3 million tenants are currently living in subsidized housing while 2.7 million are living in public housing where the landlord receives incentives from the government (Husock). These millions of tenants are costing working taxpayers because the money running the government assisted programs comes out of tax dollars. Alternatives and remedies need to be thought out. Often, families are moving into subsidized housing to better the home they were living in (Husock). Section 8 vouchers allow individuals to choose the area they want to live in. The great idea about Section 8 vouchers is the tenant pays thirty percent of the rent. In MaryBeth Shinns article, she quotes a researcher that says, That as long as the number of families living in intoler...

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