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Ho Chi Mihn

Marxism-Leninism in Vietnam In the region of Vietnam there had been many uprisings. All of these uprisings were for one reason, freedom. The Vietnamese were willing to accept Communism in return for what they had been fighting for over 2000 years: self rule. In 1950 the United States, owing a debt of gratitude towards France, sent several advisors to aid French control in Vietnam. Over the next decade and a half, the United States would send an entire Army and Navy to aid the French in maintaining control in South Vietnam, which had separated from the Communist North Vietnam by treaty in 1954. Communism is when all property and business is owned by the government and the people work for the government. In turn, the people all get equal shares of the supplies they need to be able to live such as a home, food, health care, and guaranteed employment. Communism is the opposite of capitalism. Capitalism is when property is owned by people or corporations, not the government. Anyway, the U.S. wanted to make all other countries of the world like the U.S. The soviet Union being a communist country would make it harder for us to do that. We became bitter enemies against the Soviet Union.Communism and capitalism were two great world powers that struggled to get more nations to adopt their ideologies. This eventually became known as the cold war. The U.S. made a policy in 1947. It stated, "America will support, through military and economic aid, all free peoples resisting communism." So in Vietnam, the northern part of Vietnam supported communism and the southern part supported capitalism. The south contained French colonialists and that is how France was involved in this. Ho Chi Minh was the leader of Northern Vietnam's communist country. He had hoped that we would support him but that wouldn't happen. France had been our long time allies and since we were opposed to communism, we wanted to help France fight for freedom. France had ruled Vie...

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