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Hispanic Population

Throughout the nineties, as a whole, the population of Hispanics in the United States for the most part has increased, in some places much heavier than in others. A lot of Hispanics have been living in mostly the same places throughout the Unites States.Regarding total population, central Unites States and central Northern areas have been the only major area of declining in the number of Hispanic families. Utah and Nevada have increased heavily from 1990-2000, while almost all of the rest of the country has increased slightly.In New York, the total population of Hispanic families has increased by between 500,000 and 1,000,000. In Los Angeles and Miami, there have been over 1,000,000 families that have moved in during the nineties. In Miami, most of that population is Cuban, while the Los Angeles majority is Mexican. Colombians and Nicaraguans often reside in Florida as opposed to other states in the country. Overall, the population of Hispanics and Hispanic families has increased throughout the nineties. It was seen greatly in New York, California, and Florida, but the population has been growing in almost every area of the Unites States....

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