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Hindenburg Within seconds, 35 people were dead and many fled for their lives. Thiswas the case with the Hindenburg catastrophe. The three most significant topics thatare of significance in this tragedy will be about the arrival , the escaping andconfusion as the ship ignited, and the statistical fact upon Hindenburgs inflation withhydrogen. The first important focus on the Hindenburg tragedy is the arrival inLakehurst, New Jersey. Commander Rosendahl, who was head commander of theships arrival, was an anxious man the day of his ships arrival. He frequently pacedhis spartan office that day hoping to see his airship safely moored to the mast andpassengers disembarked unharmed. However, the weather had been hideous all day. Even a passenger by the name of Margaret Mather noted, Its very windy, and theweather seems to be getting worse. ( Archbold,Rick Hindenburg 177) At 5:00 p.m. Rosendahl gave the order for Zero Hour to be sounded. It was aseries of loud blasts on the station that summoned the 231 crew members whocomprised the landing crew to get ready for the final approach. Rosendahl hoped hehad guessed correctly in summoning the landing crew because they earned a dollaran hour for their services and he didnt want them to sit around long because thecost could get expensive. Finally, at 7:10 Rosendahl radioed to the Hindenburg,Conditions definitely improved recommend earliest possible landing. (Archbold, 178) Not too long after the message and behind schedule voices shouted, There sheis! (Archbold, 178) Furthermore, the men in the tail fin valved gas to lower altitudeso the landing would be on a perfectly even keel. A young radio announcer with thestation WLS Chicago was describing the scene for a later broadcast for folks backhome and quoted, Here it comes, ladies and gentlemen, and what a sight it is, just amarvelous sight,(Mooney, Michael The Hindenburg...

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