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High on HEMP

For many years people have been confused about hemp and marijuana, they think that they are the same thing, the reality of that is they are very different. Marijuana and hemp do look alike, but marijuana has something that the hemp plant does not. Marijuana has bud-like flowers that contain large amounts of THC (the chemical that gets one “stoned”). The hemp plant doesn’t have this flower, and contains next to nothing of the THC chemical. In fact, the entire plan doesn’t contain as much THC as a gram of the bud-like flower of the marijuana plant. The hemp plant is definatly an environmental benefit. One acre of hemp can produce as much useable fiber as four acres of trees or two acres of cotton. Cotton uses as much as 40% of all agricultural pesticides, 5,000-10,000 deaths are caused each year due to these pesticides. Hemp uses no pesticides and crowds out weeds without herbicides.Not only is hemp useful today, but history shows it value and significance as well. Drafts of the Declaration of Independence were written on hemp paper; Henry Ford built a plastic car made of hemp fiber and wheat straw in 1941. In fact, hemp was used 6,500 years ago in China, which was the worlds first paper industry. Hemp was even used as a valuable quick material source during WW1 and 2. Hemp and marijuana can be used as a source of medicine. In fact a few diseases today are treated with marijuana such as; glaucoma, arthritis, aids, and a few others. Hemp oils can be used to treat skin, and make many beauty products. Not only can hemp be used to make your self more beautiful, but it can be used as some medicine treatments as well. Hemp is not legal to grow in the United States because it is feared that its look a-like cousin marijuana will be planted in the fields of industrial hemp. Actually there are a few court cases involving hemp growing in the US, one of them involves Woody Harrelson, whom was arrested for planting hemp seeds...

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