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Health on the iternet

Aquiles Perez March 19, 2001: SGY 2000 NUMBER OF WORDS: SUMMARY OF MAIN THEMES: The Internet has become a great convenience to many people. The services and opportunities that are offered are incredible, and it has definitely made our lives a lot less stressful. People have the freedom to use the services that are in the Internet. Schools, public libraries and other facilitiesprovide Internet service to people with low income that cannot afford a computer, so they can be - given the same opportunity. One of the many services that is becoming popular in the new millennium is health care on the internet. This is a service in which you can talk to a doctor or a physician on-line, and from there, you can actually obtain an on-line prescription. You can tell a licensed doctor what symptoms you have and other detailed information on-line, and he/she willgive you a prescription on the drugs that you need. 11. TEXT COMPARISON: This service has become a very economical way to get medical treatment for many people in the United States. In Florida newspaper article titled "on Line pharmacies enforcement needed" said "the internet is being dangerously misused by business that ship drug without advance prescriptions from doctors, and this service should be banned" Eventually, they have found cases in which people lie about their age and symptoms, and when given the, wrong- drug, it might become dangerous. In every service or business there have to be safety precautions, but the people that cannot afford to go a hospital should not lose the freedom of using the pharmacy service on the internet. In a statistical analysis conducted in Boston University in 1995, it was reported that 470k of the people in the United States did not have some type of medical insurance at the time (infu-tech...

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