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Hamlet Cunning or Cowardly? Hamlet, every psychologists dream. A man tormented by the fact that his father was murdered by his father, and further thrown into a fury by the incestuous, adulterous acts of his mother. A man who is haunted by the ghostly images of his father who has commissioned him to avenge his untimely death. A man who has grand ideas of revenge, but does not act upon them, and instead tortures himself about his weakness. But was Hamlet really weak as he is perceived, or was he something completely different? Only by examining actions of Hamlets, and the thoughts which we were given a window into can we truly understand the true nature of this creature. A creature that unlike the meek facade which so often fools its viewers, he is actually a cunning yet cautious predator, who is on a mission which he can not afford to fail. The first glance which we can see of Hamlet’s cautious nature is when he is first told by Horotio of a ghastly apparition which seems to resemble Hamlet’s newly dead father. Hamlet, who is ever cautious, decides to check up on this lead, and finding that it is indeed in the form of his father, decides to follow it and listen to its story of unnatural death, and the need for revenge. But Hamlet does not take this news for the solid truth. Instead throughout the play, Hamlet toys with the idea that the ghost may very well be the devil who is out to make Hamlet do his uncle wrong and then take his soul when he dies. Hamlet, decides to test out the words of the ghost by putting on a play to see the reaction of his uncle during the play which is suppose to mimic the murder of his father. Only when is absolutely sure that his uncle was indeed the murderer, does he even plan on acting. But even before he thinks about revenge, he is not by any means wondering around clueless as to what is going on. On the contrary, he is in complete control of the situation, through his questions mi...

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