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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human Resource Management is the utilization of human resources to achieve organizational objectives. Various studies have concluded that an organizations human resources is its people. It can be a significant source of competitive advantage. Achieving competitive success through people requires a fundamental change in how managers think about an organization workforce and how they view the work relationship. Its a new approach within the framework of organizational, behavior that goes beyond the role of just personnel administration. I have learned How job analysis is a systemic process of determining the skills, duties and knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization, How compensation includes all reward that individuals recovery as a result of their employment, and The Occupational Safety and Health is an approved state occupational safety and health program. With todays work force becoming increasingly diverse, a organization must do more to maximize the benefits of the different employees. Human Resource Managers are evolving from the Old School sideline player to the front line fighters. People have always been central to organizations, but their strategic importance is growing in todays society. Whereas the human resource inventory is concerned with telling management what individual employees can do, Job Analysis is more fundamental. It defines the jobs within the organization and the behaviors that are necessary to perform the job. It is essential and pervasive human resource technique. The purpose of job analysis is to obtain answers to six important questions: 1) What physical an mental tasks does the worker accomplish? 2) When is the job to be accomplished? 3) Where is the job to be accomplished ? 4) Why is the job done ? 5) How does the worker do the job?6) What qualifications are needed to perform the job? (Human Resource Management).Today human resources probl...

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