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Success starts at home where parents play a major role in their childrens life. Parents have the influential tools that can increase self-esteem, establish goals, and help their children achieve their dreams in life. One way, parents can increase childrens self-esteem by encouragement; parents can say, you could do it to their children when they face a challenging situation. Children tend to respond to encouragement because they want to please their parents; consequently, children will enhance their self-confidence. In addition, parents can motivate children by rewarding them when children do their daily homework. For example, let the children enjoy a juicy meal at Pizza hot after reading few short stories or writing some words or any assignment that children make a potential effort to do it. Parents should hug and kiss their children since this method proves that children who receive hugs and kisses do well in school. In a study reported by the L.A times shows that 93% of students who did well in school and have excellent communication skills received more hugs and kisses than other students. Another way, parents can set realistic goals to their children based on what children can do the best. For instance, if a child is good in math, parents can direct this child to study related subjects to math like computer science. Also, parents should create good environment in order to help children achieve their goals; parents can provide good food, quiet place, any stationery tools, and computers. Most important is parents verbal support. It is very crucial that parents avoid family disputes in front of their children since fights among adults have a negative impact on the childrens emotional development. Finally, parents should be alert all the time, and they should monitor the gradually accomplishments of their children so that children can pursue their goals. ...

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