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The AIDS and HIV virus is a very dangerous disease that sees no race, no color, no gender, no economic background and not even a specific age group. It can affect anyone, at any time if they put themselves in a situation where they could be at risk. AIDS stands for what is called acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The virus causes the body’s immune system to break down and become useless in fighting illness and bacteria. Even a common cold could lead to the death of a person affected with the AIDS virus. Contrary to popular belief, a person does not just become affected with the AIDS virus right away. AIDS is actually caused by a pre virus called HIV, or human immunodeficiency syndrome. The antibodies, substance in your body that fights infection, in a person become infected once HIV is transferred into a human. Blood tests are often used to detect this virus. A person that is affected with the HIV virus may look perfectly healthy and show no signs what so ever of this illness. It is very easy for a person affected with this virus to spread it to others through certain types of contact. Because HIV weakens your immune system, it is very easy for a person to become ill. They suffer many health problems. Some of these problems can include extreme weight loss, severe pneumonia, forms of cancer, and damage to the nervous system. These illnesses signal the onset of AIDS (AIDS prevention guide). If a person is receiving medical care, it is likely that a person will be able to prolong his or her life even after being affected with the HIV virus. In some cases, affected people have stayed healthy and showed no signs of the virus for ten or more years.There are two main ways that the HIV virus is spread from person to person. The first way that will be discussed is by sexual intercourse, whether vaginally, anally or orally, with an affected partner. It is usually spread through unprotected sexual intercourse. Even if you are using a con...

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