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Great Expectations1

Plot and Setting- The plot starts out with a little boy name Phillip Pirrip. It is a first person narrative about a boy back in the nineteenth century. The first eight chapters deal mostly with Pip’s childhood years. It also deals with who Pip is, and his family. In the beginning of the story Pip introduces himself, and introduces his dead parents. He is in the graveyard, and then a scary looking man comes up. The man threatens him. The plot of the story I think is good because it deals a lot with the struggles in a child. He has no one to turn to. The author really helped us relate to the story.Pip gets in trouble at Christmas time. He gets hit with “The Tickler” which was a sarcastic name for a paddle. In the middle of the story two officers with Muskets come to the house. They need a blacksmith. Outside they capture two convicts. One of those convicts is Pip’s convict. The other one is the one that Pip’s convict tried to kill. They are both caught.Later on in the story, and later in his life, Pip meets a young girl named Estella. He secretly has a crush on her. Estella does not care much for Pip. She thinks he is not very gentlemen like. She also thinks that he is coarse and common. Estella and Pip do talk though. She is like a mother to Pip, she kind of disciplines him. Pip is in love with her, but she would have nothing to do with him. She thinks that his is nothing spectacular.Characters- The first character introduced in the story is a boy name Pip, he is the boy I talked about above. The next two introduced, are his mother and father. They are both dead, and Pip is all alone in life accept for his sister. That is who is introduced next. His sister is married to a man named Joe. Pip lives with these people. The scary convict described above was the next character introduced into the story. Mr. Wopsle is the next character introduced into the story. He was the clerk a...

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