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Governmental Structure

Government must be created to serve the people in a just manner. James Madison can best explain this in his writings of The Federalist number 51 saying, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” Witnessing and studying the island, its factions, social structure, and most importantly the population statistics the following description of a government will best suit the needs of the islanders. The structure of this government will solve the problems that many other nations already have; with switching from a monarchy to a modified democracy, the rising birth rate, the difficulties of factions, integration of women into the governmental processes, and bringing Santa Clarita to modernization. The foundation of the government is largely based on the United States Constitution. The main ideas borrowed from the United States are the separation of powers and a representative government. Division of the IslandFirst and foremost the island of Santa Clarita shall be divided into two separate states: Mumdumia and Wokwokia. Mumdumia will consist of a large population of Mumdums, who already have segregated themselves. Wokwokia will consist of a large population of Wokwoks. The states will each encompass half of the island, Wokwokia in the east and Mumdumia in the west. Elections and Branches of GovernmentFrom the two states representatives will be elected to fill positions in all three branches of government. The first branch will be the legislative, which will consist of two houses: the Senate and the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth will have thirty members, fifteen from each state, disregarding population. The representatives will be elected by popular vote. The representatives shall choose three Senators from their respective states. Every law shall be passed through a majority of both houses. This implies that a compromise must be reached to pass any law. In order to be a representative one must have reached the age of...

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