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2.We know that the fundamental difference between ancient political science and modern political science has to do with the relationship of the individual to the state. For Aristotle, a person was an inherently political animal. For modern political philosophers (social contract theorists), individual rights existed prior to the formation of government.Understanding this vital distinction, identify and explain Aristotle’s forms of government. Discuss how the One, The Few and the Many (Remember this has to do with the location of political power) help us to understand the six forms Aristotle identifies. Then explain the seventh form: polity. What is a Polity and how does it correct for some of the problems of other forms? What are the advantages of blending oligarchy (rule by a wealthy elite) and democracy (popular control)? How does it help to correct the deficiencies of each? Explain the relation of Aristotle’s Polity to the American political system. In what ways do our British heritage, Capitalist Economy, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Federalism, Separation of Powers foster or establish a sort of modern version of Aristotle’s mixed constitution? Does this help us to understand politics outside the United States or not? Explain....

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