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God is Evil

Rakove's characterizes the founding fathers as the one who felt that the nation needed some changes.The founding fathers were trying to keep the union together and felt that the only way do that was to impose law on the land.The framers had to "reconstitute" the government of the new land by the act of writing a constitution. They were taught with the state experiences like the Massachussets massacre in 1770, that changes would have to be made. Rakove's thinks that writing the state documents gave them a base of understanding their more difficult task of a national constitution.As a result from their conclusions a proposed Bill of Rights was added for certain fundamental rights. Roche's had a different view of Rakove. Roche argues that the "fathers"of the constitution were above all "democratic politicians" who constituted an elite, but an democratic elite.In his toughts after all the framers were not looking out for the people's best interest but for their own.Roche's think that James Madison should be seen as the "inspired propagandist" and said that his ideias of Federalism was an improvisation which later became a political theory. Hofstadter's argues that the framers made the constitution based on the property rights. As the framers saw it, the key to the success of a democratic state was to ensure that substantial numbers of citizens had a stake in the government and in the state. When was people's "self-interest", it would be reconciled with freedom. Hofstadter's believe that the framers gave more power for to the people with the most amount on land, that means that, the more land you have more power you would be entitled to. In my opinion, im not totally compelled by any of the essays. I think all the authors made a good point but, the founding fathers would make the government and the constitution in favor of themselves and not in favor of the people, because i believe that even today if you dont belong to the "elite" you don...

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