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Global Warming definition paper

Several issues concerning the environment are brought to the public’s attention every year, but none has more of a direct effect on earth and its environment than global Coincidentally it appears to be the least of the populations concern. Globalwarming is the theory that our planet is getting hotter due to an increase in thegreenhouse effect brought about by the increase of carbon dioxide and other gases in theatmosphere. Global warming is caused by the greenhouse gases and has severalconsequences that could occur if this problem is left ignored by most of the world andour nations leaders. Such consequences include our planet getting hotter, melting oflarge glaciers, wildlife suffering or even the inverse effect which could trigger an ice age.With that, we should take global warming step by step and educate people about itbecause most people do not even know what it is or that there is a problem.Our earth is protected by a large ozone (o3) layer in the atmosphere whichdeflects life threatening UV rays that are given off by the sun. Without this layer wewouldn’t be able to exist as an ecosystem and all life would go extinct. “Greenhousegases, which have built up to unnaturally high levels in the atmosphere, trap heat. Theyinclude carbon dioxide, which is emitted when fossil fuels are burned, and other gasesproduced by human activity”(Watson 2). These gases besides trapping heat, created ahole in our ozone layer which will continue to increase in size if the level of gases remaintoo high. A hole in the ozone layer means that there is no ozone to protect us within thatgiven size of the hole. Whether the hole is big or small it does have an effect on earthwhich we call global warming, which in turn can have several effects on the planet.One possible effect that can be attributed to global warming is the melting oflarge glaciers. This is serious because “The Earth’s ice cover acts as a protect...

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