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Glen Miller

Alton Glenn Miller was born March 1, 1904. To Elmer and Mattie Lou Miller. He was born in a rural Southwestern Iowa town named Clarinda. When Glenn uttered his first cry, Clarinda heard his first “ Moonlight Serenade”. Glenn’s first serenade was not particularly unique as it had been sung by children for centuries and was barley heard across South 16th Street. However, his second Moonlight Serenade was unique, becoming the theme song of his number one Big Band and heard literally all around the world. Glenn’s grandparents were a part of the westward movement of people during the 1800’s and moved to the Clarinda area around the 1850’s. During their stay in Southwest Iowa, their son Elmer married Mattie Lou Cavender and before this young couple left Clarinda, their first son, Dean, was born; followed by a second son, Alton Glenn Miller, on March 1, 1904. In hopes of a brighter future, the young couple decided to homestead and moved on west in 1907 to Tryon, Nebraska where they lived in a sod house. In the evenings, Glenn’s mother, Mattie Lou, would play a simple pump organ which helped ease the lonesome existence on the flatlands. Man, if you think it is a long lonesome distance across Nebraska, then just think what it looked like back then. Glenn’s mother Mattie Lou started a school called “Happy Hollow”. As they rode the wagon to school each morning her and the children would sing songs. In 1913 Mattie Lou gave birth to her third son Herb. In 1915, Glenn and his family decide to move to Grantcity, Missouri where he went to grade school. This is when he started his first job working for the town bandsman, John Mosbarger. This is when Glenn received his first trombone, then he started to play in the town band.In 1918, Glenn’s mother gave birth to her 4th child, Irene, They ended up moving again to Fort Morgan, Colorado, where Glenn attended high school. During his seni...

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