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The question has brushed through the pages of newspapers and has been mentioned on talk shows and television. It has even appeared in books written by well educated men and even on the internet. Its morality and justification have been questioned since the day of its conception. You ask, what is it that has causes such a demand of attention? The concept is simple, the alteration of human genes, but the outcome is vague. The alteration of human genetics, or scientifically, genetic engineering. What is to come of this relatively new idea? Will it be the center of debate and conversation, or will it be like some new invention that quickly races into our lives and then fades like the sun at night? Human genetic engineering has caused many people to act out in rage and anger, and at the same time it has shed new light on life-on progression and science. Is human genetic engineering morally justified? I suppose you will have to decide that for yourself.Many years ago, in fact almost 5 decades ago a French scientist named Jauque Fernier set on a journey of discovery and adventure, he set out to determine if there could be a way to alter the human gene, or basic make-up of the human body. Fernier quit his job at the famous Paris Laboratory of Science, and decided to work on his project in secrecy. From the lightly lit, two room laboratory in his Paris home, Fernier discovered one of the most miraculous discoveries of our time, the true possibility of changing the very make-up of the human being. By careful research and study, Jauque Fernier discovered that it was possible to alter or change completely the human genome. It was from that small basement lab that genetic engineering was born. As the years moved on, Fernier attended and hosted a variety of science convention and research meetings. He laid out his findings, and hoped that he could find the right person to float is project financially. At last Fernier had found his ...

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