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Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder(GAD) is much more than the normal anxiety people experience everyday. It is a chronic condition that is chracterized by excessive worry and anxiety, even though there aren’t any reasonable explanations for the cause. It is diagnosed when a person spends a least 6 months worrying excessively about numerous everyday problems. People who suffer from GAD always anticipate the worst. They frequently worry about family, money, work or their health. Just getting through each day provokesanxiety. Individuals with GAD are usually referred toas “Worry Warts”. People with GAD can’t seem to overcome theirconstant concerns, even when they realize that theyhave overreacted to a situation. This generally leadsto the onset of physical symptoms. The physicalsymptoms can be exhibited with varying degrees ofintensity. Depending on the individual, and thesituation, the symptoms can consist of: muscletension, headaches, trembling, twitching, irritability,sweating and hot flashes. Additionally, people withGAD may feel nauseated or lightheaded and have to go tothe bathroom repeatedly.(1) It is very difficult for GAD suffers’ to relaxenough to fall asleep and stay asleep. They frequentlysuffer from insomnia and chronic fatigue. Concentrationis difficult because they are easily startled andagitated. They remain in a constant state of arousal. People afflicted with GAD don’t necessarily avoidparticular situations because of their disorder. Theyare unlike individuals who suffer from more severe types of anxiety disorders such as panic disorder andsevere phobias. If the impairment from GAD is mild,they are usually able to work and function in mostsocial events. When the impairment is more severe, itcan be debilitating making it almost unbearable toperform simple daily activities. Approximately 4 million Americans suffer from GAD,about 2.8% of the U.S. adult...

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