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Gene Therapy and its Effects on Societys Future

Science and technologies indicates fundamental transformation in the structures of the world. During the lapse of time, humanity has witnessed profound changes. Although we are incapable of reanimating dead bodies, recent research in genetic engineering, eugenics, and biotechnology have brought to light the opportunity to manipulate life forms-something previously and exclusively reserved to nature and chance. With gene therapy one could ask the question if society has gone so far in its alienation from nature that it no longer needs nature as the esential human environment. New technologies like genetic engineering have given society the power to remake the world. Yet, with each new technology, a sequence of small, individually sensible advances leads to the accumulation of great power, and concurrently great danger. Nowadays, scientis and society are more interested in, not exploring nature, but building a new artificial substitute for nature. Society, in essence, has overstepped its acceptable boundaries. Human gene therapy is the type of science that could fall into the wrong hands or be taken to another level, leading to morally irresponsible scientific development that can release a monster that can destroy human civilization itself. While some forms of genetic engineering holds great potential for preventing disease other forms could open the door to a future more horrific than society expects. Genetic therapy is defined as, "Any manner of treatment whose purpose it is to forstall or mitigate the harmful effects of genetic abnormalities upon arrival," (Karp, p.85). In other words, genetic therapy is the treatment that uses genes, stretches of DNA, as theraputic tools. Gene therapy can also be targeted to the effects of a genetic disease, without touching the genes that the procedure affects. There are two types of genetic engineering:somatic genetic engineerin...

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