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Gemeinschaft vsGesellschaft

In the two articles Social Change Among the Amish, and The McDonaldization of Society we can clearly understand the difference between a Gemeinschaft and a Gesellschaft. The term Gemeinschaftand Gesellschaft is used by Ferdinand Tonnies to analyze the two majorterms in society. A Gemeinschaft is otherwise known as a “intimatecommunity.” It is used to describe the traditional type of society inwhich everyone knows everyone else. While a Gesellschaft is what ismore common, Gemeinschaft’s do exist. A Gesellschaft is otherwiseknown as a “impersonal association.” It is what we typically live in, it isemerging society with short-term relationships, individualaccomplishments, and self-interests that crowd out personal ties, familyconnections, and life-long friendships. In the article Social Change Among the Amish out of a group ofselected Amish families 130 questionnaires and/or personal interviewswere obtained for the information in this article. The Gemeinschaftcommunity is clearly understood in this article about the Amish. TheAmish are a Gemeinschaft community living in a Gesellschaft society. The Amish people are polite and cordial but they are not to intrigued byoutsiders intruding on their land. The Amish lifestyle and religionpromotes voluntary isolation and has been a major obstacle for anyonewanting to collect data or research on the Amish community. Thelifestyle of the Amish emphasizes “the importance of humility, modesty,strong obedience to God, and social conformity; they abhor pride, socialsnobbery, individualism, and winning through competition. Familybonds and their faith are the cornerstones of the Amish lifestyle.” TheAmish are a perfect example of a Gemeinschaft community. The Amishhave a strong sense of social solidarity, some people argue the point thatthe Amish practice of solidarity is a major reason that they havesurvived as a model of the extended family of the p...

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