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Gay Marriages1

Today in society there are many pressures put upon people by others and their beliefs. One of the major pressures it puts on people is the pressure of homosexuality and whether it is right or wrong. Homosexuality is on the rise in the United States as well as many other countries around the world. Along with the rise of homosexuality is the rise of marriages that are taking place in these socially incorrect relationships. Throughout the country and in other countries there has been a numerous increase in the marriages of homosexuals. Same sex marriages defy the laws of Christianity, and it is immoral in the eyes of society. Homosexuality in all countries has been looked down upon and sometimes condemned. This opposition stems from the Holy Bible. The couple in the Garden of Eden was a man and a woman, not two men or two women. If God intended two men or two women to be together he would have put two men or women in the Garden of Eden, giving them both the ability to have children or to reproduce with the same sex, but that didn’t happen. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, for the procreation of life. God wanted man and woman to reproduce with one another in order for the human race to continue. In the bible days, Jesus Christ did a lot of teaching about marriages and the sacred bond involved between a man and a woman. The word marriage means a bond or a lifetime commitment between a man and a woman. Aside from heterosexual marriages being socially and moral correct, men and women are complimentary to one another. As I said before marriage is a bond between two consenting adults of the opposite sex. It has also been stated that the basic building block of society is a strong family. The family as a institution begins very simple; two people meet, start dating, then as time goes on they get married, then the couple has a child. Heterosexual marriage has also been known as the best environment for the upb...

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