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One part of being an American, is giving yourself to your country when deemed necessary. In 1991, the United States took action in the Gulf War, where many US solders were sent. In fact, a total of 697,000 solders took part in the Gulf War. And of that amount, 6% (about 45,000) veterans have reported an ailment related to this war. Much chaos arose from these sicknesses, and from this a syndrome was born. The syndrome is called the Gulf War Syndrome. Wether this is myth or not has been throughly researched, but how can one claim 45,000 veterans to be falsely accusing an ailment they believe to be at fault of the Gulf War?There are many different sides of these syndrome, and much hype about who's right and wrong. Many believe that the government is trying to hide information away from those who are suffering from Gulf War Syndrome. In fact in one report a man claims that the evidence of the GULF WAR SYNDROME was transferred to the Murra Building in Oklahoma. Which by chance is the same building which was bombed, and now all evidence has been destroyed. There are many more outrageous stories people say to use as the reason that there is no evidence supporting this syndrome.Because there have been over 45,000 cases claimed to have GULF WAR SYNDROME, there have been many symptoms as well. Some of them include:*Chronic Fatigue*Skin Rashes*Unusual Hair Loss*Headache*Muscle Pain *Neurologic Signs or Symptoms*Neuropsychological Signs or Symptoms*Signs or Symptoms involving upper or lower respiratory system*Sleep Disturbance*Gastrointestinal Signs or symptoms*Cardiovascular Signs or Symptoms*Menstrual DisordersThese are the normal symptoms in which people have claimed to suffer from. Yet there are those in which are much more unusual. One case described their symptom as follows, "While urinating there was a burning sensation, and when I looked down my urine was glowing". These scenario may seemed far-fetched, but unfortunatel...

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