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Ghosts, as with any other misunderstood group or people, have been preyed upon by others without understanding. The lack of knowledge about ghosts and haunting activity has led people astray as to what they really are. What Hollywood and television portrays is very inaccurate and cannot be relied upon as truthful. They show these spirits of the dead as being evil in nature, filled with malice and harmful intent. But that this is not the case. The field of paranormal activity is amazing. It has caught the imagination of people from every walk of life. It has always interested me and has influenced me to pick this as the topic for my research. Through this research I wish to uncover the truth about the existence of ghosts. I also wish to correct the wrong notions that people have about ghosts and enlighten non-believers.A three word question. What are ghosts? It sounds simple enough, right? Wrong! Many people have contemplated the idea as to what ghosts actually are. Some will say that they are a figment of our imagination. Some will say they are guardian Angels. While others will say that they are the work of the Devil and are demonic in origin. Some say that they are a form of electromagnetic energy. The same mysterious energy that allows our brains to function. There are many meanings associated with the word ghost. Of course the most common is that a ghost is the Spirit or soul of a person who is no longer living. A spirit is the soul of a person who for what ever reason has not gone on yet. We also have heard many stories of people having encounters with Angels. While these do not exactly qualify as ghosts they are Spirits but may not be of people who have lived. The same is said of what is referred to as demons. What someone may call a demon is actually an unhappy Spirit. When we pass on we will carry our same personality we have with us in life. In a sense our essence will not change. Just as there are disagreeable people we mee...

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