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Friends are a necessity in every child’s life. They are there to comfort, to laugh with, and to create wonderful memories. All of a sudden a child grows up and gets thrown into college. His or her friends go to other colleges, and they both realize that they aren’t going to have those close friendships anymore. It has happened many times before, and it will happen many times again. What one needs to know is that college isn’t a place to mope around; it is a place to rejoice and meet new people. College is a place where one develops skills in meeting new people and creating new friendships. This skill is not just learned and then lost. It is a skill that can be used anywhere and any time thought life. The hardest part is to get the ball rolling and start meeting new people.College is not a difficult place to meet people. They are everywhere; in dorms, in classrooms, and simply walking around outside. Although this is a perfect atmosphere for meeting people, some may still have difficulty. The greatest challenge about meeting people is not only the hoping that they will keep a conversation with you, but also there is the fear of rejection. Yes, it may sound weird but many people are afraid that if they go talk to someone, they will just be blown off. One fourth of the university’s population is freshmen, this makes the friendship process that much easier. If you think about it, that means a whole bunch of new people, in a new place, just wanting to meet new friends that they can talk with.When the target person to talk to is chosen, it is all downhill from here. What is the easiest thing about a person that you can learn? The answer is not as hard as it seems. What would the world be like if everyone called each other “hey you?” That is why one of the first questions asked should be what is the person’s name. Usually after asking someone their name they will probably ask you y...

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