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Frank Lloyd Wright1

The Life of Frank Lloyd Wright Before Frank Lloyd Wright was born his mother knew he was going to be a world renowned architect. In his nursery, she hung prints of well known cathedrals of Europe on the walls. Frank Lloyd Wright was born on June 8 ,1869. He was always very close to his mother, and when his father left Frank went off to work to help his mother raise the other children. Franks father also had a large impact on his sons life. Able to play a dozen instruments, he taught Frank to play the piano, the violin and the cello. He also taught Frank the importance of the acoustics, the way the sound vibrates off obstructions, such as walls in a building. In the summer, Frank would go to Wisconsin to work on his uncles farms. They would wake up at four every morning to feed the animal s and milk the cows. At first Frank hated it, he even ran a way a few times. After a while he began to enjoy the hard work and the money that he made. The thing Frank enjoyed most about living in the valley with his relatives was that every Sunday after one of his uncles did the sermon at the local Unitarian church, for they were all ministers, they would go deep into the woods and find a stream and they would have a picnic. After they ate the whole family would sing, play instruments or play games. They would even go swimming in the stream. Frank moved to Chicago when he was eighteen, against both his mothers and uncles advice. They thought he would waste his money on extravagant things. After looking for a job for a week he finally went to Silsbee, an architect that was working on a new church for his uncle. Silsbee hired him for eight dollars a week. Shortly after starting Frank felt that he was doing work that was false, it didnt come from his heart. He had heard that Adler and Sullivan, an architectural agency in Chicago, had an opening. He headed over there and Sullivan turned him down telling him that he needed to do his own...

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