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FrancoMexican War

The Franco-Mexican War was a war fought by two very different countries then they are today. The war was foughtover reasons that seem very unlikely to arise ever againbetween these two countries. The war was fought overgaining territory, group thinking, and just pure humanNature. These are very unlikely to be present betweenMexico and France now.Humans are said to be naturally aggressive. From thetime of Adam and Eve humans have always been looking out togain power. Humans as well as animals have a naturalaggressive and also territorial instinct. This is afrequent cause of war. (Hensel)Emperor Napoleon III was a very power hungry leader. Like his uncle, Napoleon I, Napoleon III wanted to gain asmuch power as he could. When he realized that there was anopportunity to seize more land Napoleon III took it. Herealized that Mexico had just finished a civil war and theirgovernment was weak. His aggressive instinct causedNapoleon to seize the moment. This war was mostly motivatedbecause of Napoleon III’s aggressive nature. He wanted tobecome like his uncle and he took advantage of it. NapoleonIII was known to be a very aggressive and power hungry man. Like his uncle he was very aggressive militarily and triedto gain as much power and land as possible.(Meyer & Sherman)These aggressive actions have toned down a great dealnot only between France and Mexico but with all countries inthe world today. There are countries that allow theiraggressive tendencies to get the best of them. All in allthough humans have evolved in understanding that acting onour aggressive tendencies is not always the best thing to doin situations that involve possible war. Another reason for the war to start is territory. Inorder for Napoleon III to gain power he needs land. Thetheory behind conflict starting over territory is stated assuch; Explicit Contention over territory, officialgovernment representation, and claims of a specificterritory must ...

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