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Forest Gump

There is a huge difference between very bad movies and That’s because films can be on either sideof the quality scale. A good movie has the ability toburrow deep into the subconscious, with unpredictable andoccasional remarkable results. A great work of art cancause euphoria, touch a deep emotional chord, or, in rarecases effect fundamental changes in a persons outlook onlife. A movie that can do all of the above and more isForrest Gump. Forrest Gump is a movie with a great cast, agood moral lesson and a refreshing outlook on life.Forrest Gump has a great cast including two times Oscarwinner Tom Hanks, Sally Fields, and Robin Wright. In thismovie We have a special bond with Tom Hanks which playsForrest Gump. We saw him in Big go from a boy to a man in aresult of an ill-advised wish at the carnival. Now we seehim play that innocent boy again. In some ways, ForrestGump represents a return to the theme of his earlier movie.In this case, the main character(Tom Hanks) remains a childin heart and spirit, even as his body grows to maturity. Sally Fields plays Forrest Gump’s mother, who runs aboarding house in Greenbow, Alabama. Robin Wright plays theadult part of Jenny Curran, Forrest’s best friend and thelove of his life. Jenny is never far from Forrest’sthoughts, no matter what he is doing or where he is. Thereare many other secondary actors that help create the magicalmoments of the movie.There is nothing better than a movie that reaffirms ourmorals and Forrest Gump does exactly this. Forest Gump goesfrom a star football player, a war hero, a successfulbusiness man to something of a pop icon. During his thirtyyear period we see him give back to the community. He neverforgets his friends and always helps them out in every waypossible. He puts the safety of others before his, like wesee in the war scene, when he keeps coming back for theothers even when it meant putting his life in danger. Itreminds us ...

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