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Family Values

As I was wondering about what to write about, I realized that the debilitation of the family unit is what causes so many of the problems today. Drugs, sex, and violence are all prompted by a lack of respect for bodies and other people. Children need to be loved, encouraged, and taught. Without proper guidance a child will not have the confidence or knowledge to make good, morally sound decisions. I feel that the rebuilding of family values will enable children to become responsible adults and leaders. I have seen many kids who come from divorced parents continue on a downward spiral not because they are bad kids, but because they don’t know how to stop themselves from falling due to inefficient parenting. America is still strong, but destructive forces have been and are at work. There is a serious unsteadiness in our country's stance in terms of morality, ethics, principles, and behavior. As a nation we have increasingly neglected and abandoned time-honored virtues that have been proven through the centuries to keep human beings individually, and collectively, strong. Parents are psychological and spiritual mirrors to children. A child's identity is filtered through the beliefs and behaviors of their parent. That's a heavy load for many parents who didn't grow up in a spiritual or moral home or feel too overwhelmed by life to try and be "perfect" in front of their children. Not having moral models, in parents own lives, may mean that being a moral mirror is difficult, it is never too late to develop one's own spirituality. Spending time with children is essential to their development of self-esteem and will one day lead to how they will parent their own children. Too many parents are buying their children’s love; parents have to realize the importance their presence has. Distant parents produce children who have never developed the people skills you need to succeed in life. I feel that without a strong and inv...

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