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FGM ritual abuse

Female circumcision, also known as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), is a very It is done to girls of any age, from a few days old to rightbefore their wedding. The most common age is three. In most countries whereFGM is practiced the clitoris is considered dangerous to the man. At one pointthey thought that if a penis touched a clitoris, it would shrivel up and fall off. Girls in Africa and parts of Asia are genitally mutilated for family honor,cleanliness, protection against spells, insurance of virginity and faithfulness to thehusband, or to terrorize women out of sex. In the late 70s and early 80s parts ofEurope and the United States used circumcision as a way to cure over-sexed orneurotic women. No matter what the excuse for it, Female Genital Mutilation is aform of sexual abuse. There are three types of Female Genital Mutilation. The first type, Sunna,meaning tradition, is the only form that can correctly be called circumcision. Sunna is the removal of the tip of the clitoris. The second, clitoridectomy, is themost commonly practiced type. Clitoridectomy is the total removal of the clitorisand the adjacent labia (also know as the lips of the vagina). The third type,Infibulation, is the most severe and harmful type. In infibulation, the entireclitoris and both labia are removed. Then the remaining tissue of the vulva arepinned together by catgut or silk sutures. A tiny slit, for urination andmenstruation, is left open by inserting a sliver of wood, a matchstick, or reed intothe vagina. After the surgery, the girl is bound from hip to ankle and keptimmobile for 40 days. This allows scar tissue to form. All three types result inmany harmful effects.Most of the effects of FGM are caused by the surgery taking place in anunsanitary environment. Kitchen knives, scissors, razor blades, or pieces of glassare the most common instruments used for the cutting. Unless performed in ahospital, the cutting tool is generally rus...

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