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Throughout history, many great nations have amassed an immense empire through expansionism, which is a nation's practice or policy of territorial or economic expansion. The United States expansionism was present since it became an independent nation itself. Manifest Destiny, which is the doctrine that the United States had the right and duty to expand throughout the North American continent played a major role in expansionism of the mid 1800s. Evidence such as the Louisiana Purchase, the acquisition of California, and the Oregon Territory shows expansion of the United States from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. Although expansionism in the late 1800s and the early 1900s was a departure from past expansionism, it also was a continuation in some aspects.At the turn of the century, Americans looked past the contiguous United States to overseas empires. This expansionism movement was much the same to the expansionism movement of the early 1800s in which Americans pushed from the Appalachians to the Pacific. In both instances, United States citizens moved into the new territories, joining the natives. Americans brought with them diseases that plagued the natives, and often killed large percents of the native population. Also, whatever lands Americans took over, and either time period, there were uprisings by the natives to try to overthrow unwanted American power. For example, wars between the Indians and United States Army in the west, and uprisings in the Philippines.In comparison, both expansionism movements had their supporters and critics. Although there was large public support for expansion, more so in the 18th century, both movements sparked large debates. Such can be seen in writings by imperialists such as Josiah Strong, who went as far as preaching that god had divinely commissioned the United States to civilize the world. In contrast, both movements required military backing, which came in two different ways. D...

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