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Eugenicewhos right mother nature or the human race

THE idea of "Natural Equality" is one of the most deluded ideas that have ever afflicted itself upon mankind. It is simply a figment of the human imagination. Nature knows no equality. She thrives on the idea of the survival of the fittest. The exact definition of eugenics is "The study of methods to improve the human race by controlling reproduction." Therefor eugenics is a pseudo science. It is about the selective prevention or encouragement of births for social, racial, or political ends. Hitler did not originate the idea of eugenics. It was instead Francis Galton. He happened to be a cousin of Charles Darwin. Galton believed the human race needed a kind of artificial selection. He named his idea "Eugenics", from the Greek word meaning "good birth". Before Hitler popularized eugenics, it was practiced widely, but very discreetly. Galtons work was carried on at the University of London, where he endowed a chair of eugenics. Soon after three foundations were formed based upon his research. Dr. Aferd Ploetz and Dr. Ernst Rudin founded the first one in Germany, in 1905. It was called the "Gesellschart fur Rassenhygiene" or "The Race Society of Race-Hygiene". The next one was founded in 1907 in England. It was named the "Eugenic Education Society", later changing its name to The Eugenics Society". The last one was founded in 1910, in the United States. It was the ERO or the "Eugenics Record Office". The main goal of these foundations was to cleans the human race by sterilizing the "unfit".In 1931 twenty-seven of the states in the United States enacted laws of Sterilization, which limited certain people from having children. People with desirable traits, like intelligence or strength, were allowed to breed so that when they breed their offspring would possess the same desirable traits. In this case, the offspring of the couple theoretically have a good mixture of strength and intelligence. People with unwanted traits, l...

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