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Many years ago, it wasn’t hard at all to keep employees loyal and happy in their work. That was because the man of the house was mainly the sole provider for a wife and two to three kids. All they basically wanted was security and to be a happy family. It’s not so easy in today’s modern world where an employee has so many more options. I will discuss how we manage to keep employees loyal and satisfied in their jobs at our company.The role of the manager is very wide, expansive and covers several different areas all at once. Our managers act as something similar to a press secretary in that they escort visitors and play tour manager of course, they also handle all the human relations tasks such as hiring, firing and motivating the employees under their charge. So far as relational roles they also act as liaison due to the fact that much of the information they use they acquire from the employees. Our manager’s act in several other roles with the information they receive. As a monitor in that they attempt to predict what to expect of competitors. Secondly, as a disseminator because much information has to be relayed to employees either by the manager or through some sort of media. Thirdly, with visitors they tend to act as spokesperson, also.Managers have to make many decisions in our organization because we try to avoid micromanagement, Due to the avoidance of that micromanagement the manager tends to act as entrepreneur sometimes because they are making decisions that will affect the organization as a whole. Secondly, they act as police somewhat in that they need to settle disputes between employees. They handle the acquisition of supplies, also, whether it is personnel, physical supplies or monetary resources. Lastly, our managers also need to act as negotiators because they may need to sacrifice something important out of their own team to gain an important piece of equipment from another team.Th...

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