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Electoral College2

The Electoral College is an unfair process of selecting the President of the United States of America. The true sentiments of the American voter are very distorted by the “winner-take-all system’’, as well as the fact that the population and voter turnout are not very accurately reflected. The unfairness of the Electoral College is that a candidate receiving the majority of the popularity vote in a state whether the margin of the candidate is one single vote the winner will take all Electoral votes. The “winner take all system” is largely responsible for the fact that a candidate could be elected President of the U.S.A. even though he polled fewer popular votes than his opponent did. Just like the mishap of this year’s election Al Gore polled a higher popular vote than George W. Bush but do to the confusion in Florida Al Gore was denied the presidency. Should a candidate receive a minority of the popular vote nationally but carry a sufficient number of States to assure him of a majority of the electoral votes, he would be elected and then have the will of the majority frustrated through the operation of the Electoral College.It just doesn’t make any sense to have a State have a higher number of votes like New York and have a State with a smaller number not even matter in the outcome of the biggest election. I think this is why America has such a low turnout in the polling of President because people think there vote doesn’t count. Even the president shows them that this is almost true by going only to the States with the higher number of electoral votes and virtually ignoring the States with the lower number of votes....

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