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Egyption Pyramids

Egypt is located in Africa and known for the geographical site the Nile River. One of the most amazing geographical facts of Egypt is that in some areas people have never seen rain. The Nile River controls everything in Egypt and it is said that the Nile River is a predictable river. When it does flood it floods in a predictable manner and in predictable area. The Nile River carries Silt for crops. It is also been worshiped because of the water which helps the Egyptians live.The ancient Egyptians are known to have been a very peaceful society. The Pre-Dynastic civilization had pottery, tools and started the writing in hieroglyphic. They used gold for decoration. It is not really known where they got the idea of writing but it is thought that the Mesopotamian had an influence.The Archaic civilization is known for the unification. Egypt unified under one king. This meant that the King Narmer ruled all of the Nile River. These kings were called Pharaohs. In Egyptian pharaoh means great house. Each Pharaoh was seen as a God. The Egyptians had many Gods and they competed against each other. The focus in their religion was their after life. This is why people were mummified. Only the rich were mummified and it is believed that the reason for this is because mummifying a body was very expensive. These people were buried with everything they believed they were going to need in the after life. Some examples were food, gold, tools and miniature dolls symbolizing the servants. The richer the person the more things that were buried. In order to discuss Egypt it is needed to discuss the different time periods: the Old Kingdom, Intermediate One, Middle Kingdom, Intermediate Two, and the New Kingdom. In the Old Kingdom there was a very important Pharaoh. He had absolute power. This was a peaceful time. During this time the pharaohs started marrying sisters in order to keep the bloodline royal. The royal blood was very impor...

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