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EgyptAir Flight 990Informative Speech

Title:The Pilot or The Plane? General Purpose:To Inform Specific Purpose:To inform the audience of a plane crash that occurred a couple of weeks A.(Attention Getter) Passengers on EgyptAir were beginning to get relaxed, take a quick nap, or drink a cup of coffee. All of a sudden, a big rumble on the planeoccurs, passengers notice that their coffee mugs are beginning to spill, and theirweight is beginning to be shifted. They then see that there overhead luggage isbeing tossed from their compartments to the other side of the plane. Everyonebegins screaming, holding on to their seats, trying to buckle their seatbelts. Asthey look around, they see others being tossed around like a salad. They begin tofeel weightless, they hear one last crash and then silence seizes the rest of theirlives forever.B.(Reason to Listen) Flight 990 just recently went through this trauma and now thatthe black box was discovered, there are a few possibilities why the plane nosedived into the ocean in about twenty-eight seconds. Many people fly manydifferent places everyday without knowing or thinking about what can happen upin the air, and with so many lives lost in plane crashes, there is no knowing whichplane will be the next one.C.(Speaker Credibility) I have researched this article from Newsweek and havestudied the pictures and diagrams thoroughly. I believe that with the informationgiven, I am able to talk about this topic openly.D.(Thesis and Preview) Today I am going to speak about the significance ofEgyptAir Flight 990, and the rapid descent that occurred that caused many lives tobe lost. I will first talk about how the plane ended up 250 feet under the ocean,and second, I will speak about what happened to the pilots at the time of thedescent and what could have occurred.II.BodyA.Everything that occurred was noted on the black box, which tells in details whatoccurred in the cock pit of the plane.1.The autopilot was disengaged deliberately by...

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