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Egoism Thomas Hobbes

There is no word more generally misinterpreted than the word egoism, in its modern sense. In the first place, it is supposed tomean devotion to self interest, without regard to the interest of others. It is thus opposed to altruism - devotion to others andsacrifice of self. This interpretation is due to the use of the word thus antithetically by Herbert Spencer.Again, it is identified with hedonism or eudaimonism, or epicureanism, philosophies that teach that the attainment of pleasure orhappiness or advantage, whichever you may choose to phrase it, is the rule of life.Modern egoism, as propounded by Stirner and Nietzsche, and expounded by Ibsen, Shaw and others, is all these; but it ismore. It is the realization by the individual that he is an individual; that, as far as he is concerned, he is the only individual.For each one of us stands alone in the midst of a universe. He is surrounded by sights and sounds which he interprets asexterior to himself, although all he knows of them are the impressions on his retina and ear drums and other organs of sense.The universe for him is measured by these sensations; they are, for him, the universe. Some of them he interprets as denotingother individuals, whom he conceives as more or less like himself. But none of these is himself. He stands apart. Hisconsciousness, and the desires and gratifications that enter into it, is a thing unique; no other can enter into it.However near and dear to you may be your wife, children, friends, they are not you; they are outside of you. You are foreveralone. Your thoughts and emotions are yours alone. There is no other who experiences your thoughts or your feelings.No doubt it gives you pleasure when others think as you do, and Inform you of it through language; or when others enjoy thesame things that you do. Moreover, quite apart from their enjoying the same things that you enjoy, it ...

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